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Our Ministries

The breadth of special activities and opportunities to serve in parish groups reflects a strong dedication to our community, to fellowship, and to rapidly evolving lay leadership at All Saints.

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Young and old at All Saints offer their time, talents, and financial support for the needs of many in the immediate community as well as across the globe. In addition to "loose plate" collections for victims of natural disasters, the Outreach Committee has collected toiletries for our military men and women overseas, and donated clothing to the Dress2Impress program. All Saints routinely supports the fire department and St. Gregory's Pantry, among others locally, and continues to host the monthly Supper with All Saints for those in need of companionship and a hot meal.


The mission of the InReach Committee is to provide assistance to members of our church family through friendship, prayer, and support. We realize our mission by mailing cards to shut-ins, those who are ill, or those who are grieving. We also deliver dinners monthly to the homebound and altar flowers after Sunday services, when available. At exam time, the committee also sends care packages containing home-baked goods to our college students.

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Hospitality Hour following 10:15 a.m. service on Sunday has long been a popular tradition at All Saints. Even during the pandemic parishioners enjoyed meeting up via Zoom following Sunday 10:15 service. And it was particularly significant for our parish family during our time "in exile" at St. Mary's-by-the-Sea following Superstorm Sandy. Hospitality reinforces the close bonds that have developed between our "saints" and offers an opportunity to extend a friendly hand to newcomers and visitors.



The ministry of the Women's Guild is to serve God, the church, the community, and each other and to meet in prayerful fellowship and friendship. Every woman of the parish is a member of All Saints' Guild and the entire Episcopal Church Women organization. We support the Outreach and InReach programs, as well as many local and statewide charities, and sponsor Student Service Awards primarily through two popular fundraisers: the St. Nicholas Bazaar each November and the Annual Fashion Show Luncheon held at the Bay Head Yacht Club in summer. 

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Altar Guild

All Saints is blessed with an extraordinary collection of beautiful handmade artworks: needlepoint kneelers at the altar, needlepoint Stations of the Cross to grace the nave, a wood and earthenware baptismal font, and other objects made by the skilled hands of our church members. These unique objects, as well as all of the vessels, brass, linens, candles, and flowers, are lovingly cared for by the Altar Guild. Their silent, almost invisible ministry also includes not only setting up for and cleaning up after all Sunday and weekday services, but also for wedding, funerals, and baptisms.



Young "saints" are encouraged to join adult parishioners in a variety of volunteer activities, some of which run continuously throughout the year (such as collecting non-perishables for St. Gregory's Pantry) to those that emerge following a natural disaster.  Members also regularly participate in beach clean-ups, Rock-the-Boat, and bike-a-thon fundraisers. New opportunities to put our faith and energies to work are always arising!

Beach Cleanup
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All Saints


500 Lake Avenue

Bay Head, NJ 08742

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