Core Values
We strive to be:
Welcoming and Friendly
All are welcomed as Jesus would be welcomed. Visitors, friends, and guests are greeted warmly and encouraged to participate fully in parish activities, including worship, hospitality, fellowship, and more. All are encouraged to return!
We strive to be:
Faithful to our Episcopal Ethos
As Episcopalians, we value being part of the Diocese of New Jersey, the Episcopal Church, and the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Anglican theology of God's revelation to humanity--including through Scripture, Tradition, and Reason--is most endearing to our spiritual life.
We strive to be:
Guided by our Liturgical Tradition
Using the Book of Common Prayer, our worship is broad-based and reverent, making it familiar to as large a number of Episcopalians as possible, and representative of Episcopal worship to others. The prayer book offers liturgies for Eucharist as well as Morning Prayer, Compline, and prayers for many occasions and concerns, making it well-suited for personal devotions. Click here for a digital version of the Book of Common Prayer.