3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsParishioners of all ages took part in a service of lessons and carols, which also featured candidates for confirmation and a visit from St. Lucy on 12/17/23. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsYoung parishioners light the candles in the Advent wreath. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsMia reads one of the lessons. |
 3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsEric reads one of the lessons. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsCandidates for confirmation in the upcoming year are presented, along with their sponsors and parents, and the Formation team. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsThe candidates for confirmation, their sponsors and parents, and the Formation team gather. |
 3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsThe Rev. King blesses the candidates for confirmation. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsEach candidate for confirmation later this year receives a blessing. |  3 Advent - Lessons & Carols and a visit from St. LucySt. Lucy (Shea Bicking) and her assistants greet the parish. |
 3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsSt. Lucy greets parishioners after service. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsSt. Lucy poses with her mom. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsSt. Lucy greets the Rev. King. |
 3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsSt. Lucy greets her predecessor, Piper. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsSt. Lucy greets family members and parishioners. |  3 Advent - Lessons & CarolsSt. Lucy greets our Verger. |
 3 Advent - Lessons & Carols and a visit from St. Lucy |  St. Nicholas visits 12/10/2023 |  Rev. King explains the mitre, crozier, and cape she purchased on her recent trip to Germany. |
 After the service, everyone stopped for a photo op with the saint. |  |  |
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 And there were spiced cookies in the shape of his mitre! |  Bay Head Christmas WalkA special wooden nativity set awaited the youngest visitors. |  Bay Head Christmas WalkDespite the rain, everyone was feeling festive! |
 Bay Head Christmas WalkAdults and children enjoyed activities and treats. |  Bay Head Christmas WalkLittle ones had a chance to put figures in the manger! |  Bay Head Christmas WalkPressing dough into St. Nicholas cookie molds |
 Bay Head Christmas WalkMaking luminaries |  Bay Head Christmas WalkMaking luminaries |  Bay Head Christmas Walk |
 Annual Tree Lighting and BBQ Dinner |  Annual Tree Lighting and BBQ Dinner |  Annual Tree Lighting and BBQ Dinner |
 2023 Ingathering Sunday and Pie Feast |  2023 Pie FeastThe Church School helped decorate the tables and declared what they were thankful for. |  2023 Pie Feast |
 2023 Pie Feast |  Holy BaptismBaptism of Jack Joseph Kennedy, Nov. 5, 2023 |  The candidate assistsBaptism of Jack Joseph Kennedy, Nov. 5, 2023 |
 Baptismal WatersBaptism of Jack Joseph Kennedy, Nov. 5, 2023 |  NJ Debut of "The Philadelphia Eleven"New documentary marks the 50th anniversary of the 11 women ordained in Philadelphia as the first female Episcopal priests. |  Film debut Gala ReceptionThe Rev. Schjonberg explains the timeline for the ordination of the first women priests in the Episcopal Church. |
 Film debut Gala Reception! |  Film debut - red carpet photos |  Film debut red carpet photos |
 NJ Debut of "The Philadelphia Eleven" |  Halloween Coffee Hour |  Halloween Coffee Hour |
 Halloween Coffee Hour |  Halloween Coffee Hour |  Mayo Performing Arts Company |
 MPAC singers "take the stage"View their performance on our Facebook page. |  MPAC soloists |  MPAC soloists & group |
 Annual Blessing of the Animals |  Annual Pet Blessing |  Annual Pet Blessing |
 Annual Pet Blessing |  Annual Pet BlessingThe Rev. Kathryn King and Tyde |  Meet the Author |
 Meet the Author |  Meet the Author |  Family Fun NightBunco! |
 Family Fun NightKeeping score and enjoying dessert. |  Family Fun NightThe winners and their prizes. |  Camp Faith Visits the Beach |
 Camp Faith Visits the Beach |  Camp Faith Visits the Beach |  Camp Faith Visits the BeachPiper and Phyllis join our visitors on the beach. |
 Camp Faith Visits the Beach |  Trip to the Blue Claws Game |  Trip to Blue Claws Game |
 Blue Claws GameForty-five saints attended a Blue Claws game on July 28! |  Annual Fashion Show Luncheon |  Fashion Show LuncheonOur youngest models |
 Fashion Show Luncheon |  Fashion Show Luncheon |  Fashion Show LuncheonRev. King announces gift basket winners. |
 Vestry Group Work Day |  Vestry Group Work Day |  Vestry Group Work Day |
 Parish Picnic 2023 |  Parish Picnic 2023 |  Parish Picnic 2023A swan joined the fun. |
 Parish Picnic 2023 |  Baptism of Brady John McAteerJune 11, 2023 |  Cleanup Day - June 2023Many thanks to the mighty team of about a dozen "saints" who pruned, weeded, and cleaned up the churchyard! |
 Cleanup Day - June 2023No weeds lurking under the hydrangeas will escape Barbara's keen eye. |  Cleanup Day - June 2023Rick cleans up after trimming the trees in the churchyard. |  Cleanup Day - June 2023Clayton, John, Mark, and Larry work on the rectory grounds. |
 Trinity Sunday 2023Picnic honoring our Church School staff and students. |  Trinity Sunday 2023Thanks to our acolytes and all who serve at the altar. |  Trinity Sunday 2023Lily takes to the lectern like a pro. |
 Three saxophonesAngelina, Evan, and Curt - Trinity Sunday 2023 |  Trinity Sunday 2023The Rev. King gives Lily some pointers before service. |  Trinity Sunday 2023Lily and Olivia practice their readings. |
 Shrove Tuesday 2023Before the Mardi Gras feast, everyone colored their Alleluias before putting them away for Lent. |  Shrove Tuesday 2023The children help Rev. King roll up the Alleluia banner, which will be "buried" during Lent. |  Shrove Tuesday 2023Burning the palms |
 Holiday Tea 2023The Rev. King and women of All Saints enjoyed a Victorian holiday tea at the Mathis House in Toms River! |  Holiday Tea 2023 |  Holiday Tea 2023 |
 Feast of the Epiphany 2023Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar arrive bearing gifts for the baby Jesus. |  The Holy GrafittiThe Rev. King scales a ladder to chalk the lintel. |  Chalking the Door |
 Epiphany Feast 2023An oasis by the punchbowl, expertly decorated for the three kings' arrival! |  Epiphany Feast 2023 |  Epiphany Feast 2023 |
 Epiphany Feast 2023Celebrating the arrival of the three kings with a sumptuous coffee hour! |
Meet the Saints of ASC 2023